Friday, January 23, 2015

I saw a sight with wonder travelling

I saw piercing eyes, blood shot and uncomely,
A frayed lion in the Serengeti with a starving cub,
Staring at the wilder beast of the African plain,
Not all the strong can survive, not all the weak are helpless.
In the city alley, a mother with outstretched arm for a penny,
The hungry eye of a little girl searching the faces of strangers,
Smiling weakly as a passerby dropped a coin,
Not all the weak survive, not all the strong are heartless
I saw one little dreamer gazing at a skyscraper,
Determined to ascend to build a similar wonder,
The edifice of every dreamer yet untouched,
No dream is too great, no height is too high.

I saw a hurricane storm towering over the city scrapers,
Crying with wonder how nature belittle human boasting,
Solemn with wrath blowing the human edifices,
Stronger than skylines, swallowing the human guiles.
I saw the empress of thunder with droopy eyes of wonder
Incapable of supplanting what their clans have done for ages
This illusive art was not natural to her wonder
Not all the gifted are crafty in their wonder, not all marvels are wonders.
I saw a sight of wondrous wonder high above the earth,
A red bluish star of untold beauty, riding in the Milky Way,
A thousand aliens all in their gallant emerald dresses,
Singing with unknown tongue, a song of wonder.
I saw a sight, crying with wonder and still travelling,
The germs of human dignity created in the heavens,
All the day dreams of the angelic chorus, heavenly and sweet,
No eloquent tongue can emulate, no standing for incompetence.
Crying with wonder this human heart in transit,
The nobler course of dreams yet unfulfilled,
And the gallant entry in the annals of wondering hearts,
Shortcomings of today, stepping stones for tomorrow,
Success with perseverance, crying with frenzy, the childhood dreams.

By TEchi -12/2013