Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Illustrating Macro-Typology

Typology refers to the study of correspondences between persons, events, and institutions within the historical framework of God's acts. It rests upon the conviction that God has sovereignly ordered history such that God's past actions serve as a pattern for his future actions. The first event/person/institution is referred to as a "type," while the latter is the "antitype."

Although some have abused typology, its use in the New Testament demonstrates that it is a legitimate way of seeing connections between the Old and the New Testaments. Typology is not about finding obscure connections between OT events and NT realities, such as arguing that the scarlet thread hung in Rahab's window points to the blood of Christ (Joshua 2:21). Instead, typology tends to work on the macro-level. In other words, it is connected with major events, people and institutions in the unfolding story of God. A helpful guideline in testing whether a possible type is in fact legitimate is to ask how closely that type is related to the central message of the passage. If it is a small detail that is not very closely related to the main point of the passage, it is unlikely to be a legitimate or significant type. Thus, the storyline of the biblical remnant and salvation has significant connections to salvation.

 Biblical Storyline Remnant
As early as Adam and Eve's sons, God chooses some and not others (e.g. Abel not Cain; Isaac not Ishmael; Jacob not Esau; etc.). Even within the nation of Israel God makes it clear that not every single Israelite is in a right relationship with him. As the rebellion of Israel grew, God made it progressively clearer that his purposes would be accomplished through a remnant of the nation from which Messiah would come (Isa 10:22). This concept is picked up in the New Testament when Jesus chooses the 12 apostles to represent the restoration of Israel through a remnant identified with him (Matt 10:1-4). God in His wisdom chose the remnant to experience redemptive power of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ.

Salvation of the remnant is not cheap. Hence, it is through God’s election, predestination and foreordination from the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:3-14; Rom. 8:28-33; 2 Tim. 2:10; 1 Peter 1:1; 2:9; 2 Thess. 2:13). It is not done by quoting a few bible verses and pretending to be a Christian. For example, you cannot force your way to salvation. One has to be elected and predestined to salvation by God. The Bible is a story that runs from creation in Genesis to new creation in Revelation. In addition, in between God promises to make things new in connection with his promise of redemption (Isa 46:8-10; 65:17-19; 2 Cor 5:17; Gal 6:15). Related to this theme would also be the themes of new life and resurrection. That means those (called in the bible as His people) that Jesus has taken the consequences of all their failures by fulfilling in himself all that God requires of them. These are the remnant called to salvation by God’s grace and mercy.

 Only through Jesus Christ, we are offered grace, a free gift. This is contrary to human nature, which in pride says I can do it myself. The works that we do for God are the works that He has prepared in advance that we should walk in them; they are not a result of our efforts. They are God's works that we move in being guided by His Holy Spirit of Love. This is the destiny of every child of God on earth. God does not love anyone of us because we are good; God loves us because He is good.

The Real Peace for the Human Heart

Undoubtedly, all human philosophy is no more or less than the search for wisdom.  It is an idea that deals with all manner of problems, which everyone faces, in their lives, and by thought and logic attempts to solve them.

As human being, we live in incredibly complex universe that is logically very complex in itself.  This is because it is the handwork of the LIVING GOD OF ISRAEL.

The modern academic philosophy can be almost impenetrable to an outsider, and anything not couched in the terms of the academic philosopher is considered simple musing.  

However, philosophy has thankfully provided many short, pithy philosophical statements to ponder.  On a grand scale, it is all human made with no solace and peace to the sinful human heart.

Many true Christian know human philosophy is only a temporary solution that does not provide inner peace.  That is only if you are a born again Christian in the real sense of the word.

Our society has many so-called experts as human psychologists and psychotherapists that never really heal any of the deranged minds in our midst.  In fact, they often magnify the patience’s problems.

In Matthew 11:28-30 the bible says –

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

All recommendations apart from a personal faith in the LORD JESUS CHRIST fall short of the balm for a troubled and broken heart.  God in His infinite love promises peace to those who are in Him

In Isaiah 26:3 says - You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.


Again, God through Christ says in His word - Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.  John 14:27.

Monday, December 23, 2013

The reasons for mergers and acquisitions

There are a number of standard reasons given for acquisitions to take place. There are subtle differences in the reasons dependent on whether the acquisition is a merger or takeover but the main categories of reasons are the same. In exam or test questions, you have to strip out the relevant reasons from the ones that are not relevant in relation to the particular case study you are looking at.  In addition, you might be expected to make some evaluative comment about the different reasons - some are likely to be more important or more significant than others. The success of an acquisition in meeting these objectives might also be something that you will have to comment on. It is worth bearing these things in mind as you read through the reasons that follow.

Capacity refers to the amount of output that a firm is capable of producing given its existing assets. In theory, firms will have a maximum capacity that they can produce given their capital assets. Acquiring another business might enable it to be able to increase its capacity relatively quickly.

Economies of Scale
Economies of scale are the advantages of large scale production that result in lower cost per unit produced. Economies of scale do not refer to expanding output with existing resources; it is about changing the scale of production. A firm acquiring another increases its scale of operations; it has more labour, more plant and equipment - more of everything!

Economies of scale is not just about the firm expanding its existing capacity but about changing the whole scale of its operations - increasing all factors of production.

Acquisitions cost money - in some cases, millions of pounds, if not billions. It should be clear from this that an acquisition is not going to 'reduce costs' as is often stated by students. What it will hope is that the increase in output that results from the acquisition will be greater than the increase in costs as a result of it. If a firm doubles its costs as a result of financing an acquisition but output rises by 120%, then its average costs - the costs per unit - will fall.

This is what economies of scale is about. Firms gaining economies of scale from an acquisition will hope to use the benefits it gains from lower unit costs to either boost its profit margins or enable it to be able to compete with its rivals more effectively.

Plugging a gap in the market

A business may feel that its product portfolio is not sufficient to cater for different customer needs in its market. Acquiring another firm that is already in that market enables it to plug that gap. It may be the case that a firm has a seasonal sales trend. Buying a business that has its predominant sales in a different season of the year will also be an example of how the firm's product portfolio might be enhanced through a merger and acquisition. The example of Fuller's and Gales is an excellent example of this.

Some products might be associated with particular times of the year - a cold beer is often appreciated in the summer. Acquiring a business which contributes to the product portfolio might be a reason for an acquisition.

Accessing supplies or distribution networks

Some firms develop their business in a particular sector of the production process - primary, secondary or tertiary. An acquisition in a different sector may reduce its reliance on suppliers or give it access to new markets. This can lead to a strengthening of the businesses position and give it a significant competitive advantage over its rivals. It can also mean that it is moving into an area of business in which it does not have expertise so care has to be taken to research the proposed acquisition target carefully.

Accessing technology or skills

A firm may be targeted for acquisition because it has specific skills within its staff or has a particular technology that would be useful to another business. Businesses that are relatively new and might have hit upon a new idea or who have developed specific skills in a certain area might be ripe targets for acquisition.

Tax reasons

Businesses are always looking for ways to reduce their tax exposure. The tax laws in most countries are complex but essentially, there may be less tax to pay if a firm uses cash to acquire assets than if it has cash in hand. If, and this is often the case, a firm has large sums of money lying idle, using these sums to acquire another business that would not only enhance its operations but would also reduce its tax liability may be very tempting for the firm to look for a suitable target for acquisition.

The Stakeholder Model

A stakeholder is someone or some organisation/institution that has an interest in the success of a business. Notice the emphasis in this definition on the word 'success'. Some stakeholder models include competitors as a stakeholder. This definition would exclude competitors because they cannot be said to have an interest in the success of a business. That is not to suggest that other stakeholder models are incorrect - they are merely different to the one used in this article.

The key stakeholders in an acquisition are going to be:

·         Shareholders
·         Management
·         Customers
·         Suppliers
·         Employees
·         The local community
·         The government/regulatory agencies
When an acquisition is announced, there is likely to be conflicts of interest between these different stakeholder groups. The interests of shareholders are likely to be very different to the interests of the firm's employees. One of the issues that a firm considering an acquisition has to ask itself is whether it can make the acquisition work with its existing business. Different cultures and working practices can cause a number of problems, which might stop the merger from delivering the benefits the firm might hope for.  Finding ways of satisfying these competing stakeholder interests, therefore, might be crucial to the success of the merger



There is a boom in United States oil reserve more than ever.  In addition, space exploration and technology has continued to advance, bringing new method of energy resources on daily basis.  There is a rise in US output of shale oil changing its demand for foreign oil. 

This is rewriting global trade patterns and deepening fault lines within the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.  It will put OPEC at a disadvantage to mount a collective response.

There will be a global stoppage on reordering. What will a country such as Nigeria do whose economy is based mostly on oil importation to the United States, Russia and China?  United States reliance on foreign oil is waning, the balance of power is shifting around the globe with unexpected winners and losers and a renewal of US power.

For the past 40 years, U.S. presidents have launched distant wars, allied with autocratic sheikhs and dispatched naval fleets to protect sea lanes, all for the imperative of keeping foreign oil spigots flowing.

That imperative has now subsided. Rather suddenly, the center of gravity of global energy production has swung toward the Americas as shale oil and gas fields in North Dakota and Texas hum with activity. America is moving to the fore as the world's largest producer of petroleum and natural gas.

That change will reorder the globe in ways large and small.

U.S. experts say it will prolong the United States' position as the predominant global superpower. Arab nations that shook the world with the 1973 oil embargo almost certainly will be weakened. Russia will find its power ebb as European nations find alternate suppliers for natural gas. New energy technologies will reorder the scales of global winners and losers.         

Nigeria must increase its pace of investment in technology and training to cultivation in the palm oil, peanuts, cotton, rubber, wood; hides and skins, textiles, food products, etc.  Rural area would benefit greatly from technology and training to reduce poverty in many areas.

Original sin and election to salvation by God's grace.

We know that before the fall of man the only entity with the knowledge of sin was Satan.  Man was innocent until he and his wife ate the forbidden fruit.  The subtlety by which Satan used to approach Eve does suggest something out of the ordinary.

Genesis 3: 1 –says that - Now the serpent was crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made.  He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”

This verse depicts the cunning craftiness of the enemy of mankind.  Satan does not play by any rule.  His goal is to cause as many as possible to deny Jesus Christ as their Savior.  Nobody would ever be saved had not God in his infinite mercy, elected and predestined some to salvation.  Yes, before Satan appears in the Garden of Eden, there was foreknowledge of his rebellion in heaven.

The Bible teaches about God’s knowledge.  We know from the Scripture that God is omniscience, which literally means “all-knowing.” Job 37:16; Psalm 139:2-4, 147:5; Proverbs 5:21; Isaiah 46:9-10; and 1 John 3:19-20 leave no doubt that God’s knowledge is infinite and that He knows everything that has happened in the past, is happening present, and will happen in the future.

1. The fall of mankind were foreknown and foreordained by God.  Job 37:16, Psalm 139:2-4; Psalm 147:5, Proverbs 5:21, Isaiah 46:9-10, and 1 John 3:19-20

2. Those who would become the people of God, the elect, were foreknown and foreordained by God.  Romans 8:29; Ephesians 1:4; Ephesians 2:8-10, etc.

3. The atonement for God’s people, was foreknown and foreordained by God, Thy hand and Thy counsel determined before to be done. Acts 2:17, 18; Acts 4:27, 28.

However, one need to be careful to note that Adam and Eve falling into sin does not mean that God is the author of sin, nor that he tempted Adam and Eve to sin (James 1:13).  The fall serves the purpose of God’s overall plan for creation and humankind.  This, again, must be the case, or else the fall of humankind would never have happened.

3. Yes, indeed this tree was tied to other trees in the garden but uniquely different from other trees, just as the tree of life was different from all the other trees in the garden.  Genesis 2:9b - In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.

16 And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden;

17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” 

The tree of knowledge of good and evil was correctly spelt out.

4. One must keep in mind that God created Satan as a spirit being not the same way as human beings.  Angels have certain things in common with humans as well as things that are different. 

   (a) Both Created Perfect

   (b) Yes, both angels and humans were created perfect in the beginning.

   (C ) And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good.  And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day (Genesis 1:31).

   (d) Only humans, however, were created in the image of God.

Then God said, "Let Us make humanity in our image, according to our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." And God created humanity in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them (Genesis 1:26, 27).

The account from various parts of the bible, demonstrated that Satan is the archenemy of humankind and would do anything to discredit God’s word.  However, because God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, He knows about Satan’s evil plan toward humankind.  In His mercy, God sent His Son Jesus Christ as preordained according to His foreknowledge.  He is the only righteous sacrificial lamb sent to bear the burden of sin for mankind. 


Friday, December 20, 2013

I saw a sight – Crying with wonder and still travelling

I saw piercing eyes, blood shot and uncomely,
A frayed lion in the Serengeti with a starving cub, 
Staring at the wilder beast of the African plain, 
Not all the strong can survive, not all the weak are helpless.
 In the city alley, a mother with outstretched arm for a penny,
The hungry eye of a little girl searching the faces of strangers,
Smiling weakly as a passerby dropped a coin,
Not all the weak survive, not all the strong are heartless
I saw one little dreamer gazing at a skyscraper,
Determined to ascend to build a similar wonder,
The edifice of every dreamer yet untouched
No dream is too great, no height is too high
I saw a hurricane storm towering over the city scrapers,
Crying with wonder how nature belittle human boasting,
Solemn with wrath blowing the human edifices
Stronger than skylines, swallowing the human guiles.
I saw the empress of thunder with droopy eyes of wonder
Incapable of supplanting what their clans have done for ages
This illusive art was not natural to her wonder
Not all the gifted are crafty in their wonder, not all marvels are wonders.
I saw a sight of wondrous wonder high above the earth,
A red bluish star of untold beauty, riding in the Milky Way,
A thousand aliens all in their gallant emerald dresses,
Singing with unknown tongue, a song of wonder.
I saw a sight, crying with wonder and still travelling,
The germs of human dignity created in the heavens,
All the day dreams of the angelic chorus, heavenly and sweet,
No eloquent tongue can emulate, no standing for incompetence.  
Crying with wonder this human heart in transit,
The nobler course of dreams yet unfulfilled,
And the gallant entry in the annals of your hearts,
Shortcomings of yesterday, I beg my friends and fathers to forgive,
With hope of greater success when next we meet.
                                                 Excerpt from Echi’s “I saw a sight”